Milka – The Time Machine

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 11 Nov 2016 | POSTED ON 25 November 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

London-based composer Philip Kay captures the mood of those young Milka alpine villagers for whom Christmas simply can’t come quickly enough.


Milka – Lost & Found

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 22 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 14 October 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Milka’s mini-drama soundtrack, by French composer Valentin Hadjadj was first heard in the cartoon movie April And The Extraordinary World.


Mars – Believe

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 20 May 2016 | POSTED ON 6 July 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

What does choosing John Williams’ score from Spielberg’s less than successful comedy 1941 say about Mars’ faith in England’s football team?


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