Volvo – The New Volvo V90

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 18 Feb 2016 | POSTED ON 26 February 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Sweden’s Viola Martinsson sounds like she’s singing the theme to a Scandanavian Noir box set – but really it’s a Volvo ad.


Volvo – Vision 2020

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 09 Feb 2016 | POSTED ON 25 February 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

Volvo’s call for greater car safety is as poetic as its use of a piece of pensive piano by polymath Swedish producer Petter Winnberg.


Toyota RAV4 Hybrid – Changes

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 15 Feb 2016 | POSTED ON 24 February 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

David Bowie’s memory lives on in the shape of Toyota’s uncannily accurate cover of his proto-Glam classic Changes from the Hunky Dory album.


VW – Then. Now. Always.

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 03 Jan 2016 | POSTED ON 10 February 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

VW recruits Nashville singer songwriter Philip LaRue (pka Inland Sky) to ring the changes in a charming rites of passage clip.


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