MBNA – GoodSkillsBadSkills

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 15 Jun 2016 | POSTED ON 23 June 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

It’s carnival time in the MBNA office as Montenegrin composer Janko Nilovic and his Brazilian beats hail the world’s most famous footballer.



ORIGINAL AIR DATE 31 Mar 2016 | POSTED ON 13 April 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

Erstwhile NY rapper Chris Classic returns to his musical roots for this eye-catching HSBC toon celebrating Hong Kong’s Rugby Sevens tournament.


Visa – The Heart

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 18 Mar 2016 | POSTED ON 7 April 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

Visa gets into training for the Olympics with a Soundtree Music soundscape which should bring the blood rushing to your head.


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