UK TV Advert Song & Music Database

Macca puts the heat under Linda’s meals

POSTED BY ON 3 February 2013

Ram by Paul McCartney

Ram by Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney has re-recorded an old Wings track to feature on a new TV ad for Linda McCartney's food range.

Heart Of The Country from the 1971 Wings album Ram - and a b-side to the single The Back Seat Of My Car - will accompany an animated TV spot, featuring the McCartney family, starting at the end of January. The first advertising for the vegetarian brand for 15 years will also see Elvis Costello provide the voiceover for LoveLinda's new range of chilled foods.

Costello said, “Linda always talked well and made it seem that you wouldn’t be joining a secret weird society by being vegetarian.”
Produced by Passion Pictures, the animation describes a fairy-tale world where mystical characters join the McCartney family in a woodland feast. The ad airs on January 28.

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