UK TV Advert Song & Music Database

A sync to die for!

POSTED BY ON 3 March 2013

Damien Lewis - Homeland

Damien Lewis - Homeland

Homeland star Damien Lewis and Lana Del Rey have been brought together by Jaguar to star in a short film featuring the company’s new F-Type sports car.

Del Rey’s Burning Desire, from last year’s Born To Die - The Paradise Edition album, soundtracks the Adam Smith-directed (Ridley Scott Associates) film shot in the Chilean desert, which depicts Lewis as a character called Clark who runss into trouble after a chance encounter with a woman.

Jaguar's global marketing communications director Ian Armstrong said Lana Del Rey was picked for the project because she “is a world-class singer-songwriter.”

He added, “In this video, she has used her unique ability to conjure, reflect and then reinterpret an aesthetic from a different era both for herself and for the F-Type."

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