Beats By Dre – White Lies

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 16 Dec 2013 | POSTED ON 4 January 2014

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Atlantic’s new blue-eyed soul star Max Frost is the latest in a lengthening line of top talent to get the Beats By Dre seal of approval.


Sonos – Face Off

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 29 Oct 2013 | POSTED ON 2 January 2014

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Between two Rick Rubin instrumentals, Brazilian American dance duo N.A.S.A. deliver the red hot hip hop sounds warming up the Sonos house.


Bose – SoundLink Mini

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 02 Oct 2013 | POSTED ON 2 January 2014

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Cayucos is a small Californian beach town where indiepop band Cayucos like to hang out and party with their Bose speakers.


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